Raley & Raley Wins Port Worker’s Remand back to State Court

Raley & Raley, P.C

A ship-to-shore crane injured a stevedore aboard a vessel docked in navigable waters. Raley & Raley filed the injured worker’s lawsuit in State Court. The Defendant crane owner “removed” the case to Federal Court, thereby attempting to modify the worker’s choice of the court in which to litigate the case. The worker responded that the removal…

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Zekoll v. Ross – Bahamas Jones Act Death Case

Raley & Raley, P.C

On November 13, 2010, Laura Zekoll was killed while working as a crewmember aboard the RULE 62 when the vessel’s owner, Richard Ross, attempted to enter an unlit, unmarked, coral-shrouded cut at North Bar Channel, Abaco, Bahamas — at night. After over two years of litigation, Raley & Raley has secured a favorable settlement for…

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Local. Knowledge. Results.

Raley & Raley, P.C

Since 1986, in Georgia and South Carolina, we’ve represented injured mariners, including: LONGSHOREMEN, DREDGE CREW, AND TUG CREW. We take pride in working for these injured workers to achieve the optimal financial recovery allowed by the law. What sets us apart? For starters, we live and work where our Clients do. Like the workers who make…

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